Money mania syndrome part 2

Money is Fast. Chase Dreams Instead!

Money mania syndrome make second income

These days, people tend to be obsessed with money. While it is good to be money-conscious, when the money mania syndrome gets out of control, it is not healthy and can even suck the life right out of it’s victims. Our dreams slowly start to slip away the longer we obsess over how much money we are making, where we can find it, and where we can get the most money the fastest. Do not let money kill your dreams, my friend! There is a quote by Douglas H. Everett that reads “there are some who live in a dream world and some who face reality and some who turn one into the other.” This is particularly inspiring because in a world where money and reality tend to rule out dreams, we need more inspiration to chase after our dreams instead of constantly chasing after money, or even better, combine them! The road ahead may not seem easy or ideal, but with enough hard work and true dedication, there will always be a way to turn your dream into a reality and actually make money off of it.

Investing is a good way to start. While working your way up to your dream or ideal job, it would be sagacious to pick up a part-time job and deposit a portion of your earnings from it into an investment company, such as Edward Jones, so that your money is set aside, and can even grow over time.

Give yourself a weekly (or biweekly, depending on your payroll conditions) balance of how much you will spend, i.e. food, gas, clothes, etc. Whatever money is not spent on the weekly balance can either be deposited in the savings fund, or set aside in a jar (or whatever else may mentally restrict you from touching your set-aside funds!).

All the while, continue striving for your ultimate goal. Be applying, studying, scoping, or whatever else will get you closer to your dream. If you can dream it, you can do it!

Money mania syndrome most home biz owners suffers


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