Estage Four percent group review comp plan

Estage Four percent group review comp plan

eStage via Four percent group?

Mastermind & founder Strizheus,CEO From S.Dakota USA.

Vick migrated to USA from Ukraine with the American dream.Who lucky enough to meet David Wood and change his life.(David Wood went crazy because those leaders did not local to him_another emotional story)

Estage Four percent group review comp plan

Vick Strizheus Introduce many Hype type programs that make people interested but some people still hate him what he did to them. few companies he found ,48hr Cash Machine (inside promoted Ezine directory by Charli Page),Big idea mastermind (Inside promoted Empowernetwork)High traffic Academy (inside promoted his other affiliate programs and tools he was with like tracking systems, email marketing systems, landing page services,traffic brokers etc) etc Now Four Percent Group (also promote other free to join affiliate program and tools). Many of them just info programs.He is good in selling online info. 4Percent Group Also an information and video training program come with affiliate opportunity.

Training is same you can find on Youtube like Lead generation, getting web traffic,eCommerce CPA marketing etc
Also, he Gives ethical bribe to get people into a system that call 7Steps system.

estate Going to be a Blogging Stage.

So Four Percent Group customer retention dropped because people have enough information can found online for free why pay monthly( by the way Vick still smart he resolved that introducing Lifetime membership for Four Percent Group for $497 One time Offer and then go Up to $997 Which is so expensive.)

So he introduced Blogging platform call Esatge But the problem is that one also so expensive, at this moment we heard it’s not going to be life time but yearly subscription of $997 or monthly $97 let’s see how it works…Still expensive you can buy WordPress with great hosting minimum shared hosting for one or 2 bucks but if you need more reliability you can get all less than 20 bucks.

estage features

Just WordPress platform with themes plugins and extra custom Widgets just made for Estage may be most them with bugs and beta. WordPress is it self. Industry best CMS system for blogging.but you always can get WP for free or from shared hosting, or even dedicated hosting if you want more room and traffic.

Estage will be a month to month subscription as I explain above. Yearly or monthly membership it will be expensive.In your part, you have to buy your own domain name and route it to the estage system

eStage and Four Percent Group combine affiliate Opportunity?

Yes, The platform comes itself with an affiliate program you can promote and make income.But customer retention might drop because once people experienced to find a low-cost solution they might leave, so it good for quick buck or two.But if you think long term business model or customer relationship this is a relationship killer, because always there some one to compete with these systems and ready to take over the market place.

how Estage idea came to Vicks Mind?

So vick is smart to make money for him self so also he saying he wants to help people and give to beginner entrepreneur a home he also saying most online entrepreneurs are homeless.
so now he is going same path empower network David wood did,,selling information products not enough to keep people in his system so he introduce totally expensive and same priced like Empower network Kalatu blogging platform ( most new people may not know David Wood Empower net work help lots to Vick use to stand out as online entrepreneur he made most money using empower network,,even most leaders now not local and made David Wood crazy and we last he got even drugs for this big un-loyalty thing..

anyway Esatge for you or not?

You can buy hosting just less than bucks or two a month and add one click WordPress platform and add your content with amazing free plugins out there. Why you pay almost 100 bucks to have a blog,,i don’t think so.

Opportunity wise Estage?

But some one can argue that they can make affilate income out of selling this estage platfrom. But once Newbies realize that blog thye not own content might gone if 4 percent group closes like Empowernetwork.and also Who pays 100 bucks for maintain a blogging,weather a newbie might pay few months and once realize who if he or she not covered break even cost then what next? they may cancel their estage account.

People who love this internet marketing make money method who just got started they may should not quit and find hosting company to run their content thats more economical and your own real estae online. that what we recommend.

eStage Final Thoughts,

Vick always wants to help people but he have problem keep it it up What happens to 48hr Cash machine,High traffic academy,big idea mastermind they all vanished as the core system droped so he made good money but 96% of dreamers who involved with those system failed and wasted their money and time. that could be happen to Four Percent Group and estage just like empowernetwork. So you always have to ready for that and ready to jump around opportunity to opportunity.

Estage just a expensive WordPress platform that you going to waste money again if you not found long term customer.

Not like wealthy affiliate blogging system they charge way more than far less support for content marketing and internet marketing when it comes to blogging.

Sudden drop or Vicks Internet marketing Reputation ( most people do not know insider secrets whats going on because he do Fb live and stay normal), its hard to keep selling the system all together inside Four Percent Group. including estage blogging which is so expensive to keep up


Good old WA find more info here.
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All together you can rock your online dream long run but not one night get rick or 100K in year 🙂

Good luck.

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1 Comment

  1. Rodney Loy

    Thanks for Review…So i signed up with your training found here. looking forward to work with your team

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