Webinarfuel review

Webinarfuel webinar software! is it Next level full Webinarfuel review

WHAT IS Webinarfuel review

Webinarfuel review here we go we just came across worlds revolutionized automated webinar software that just releases 2020. We heard only webinar jam was the only webinar software by that time that can do better live webinar type software but automated and recorded.

Webinarfuel review. Now Webinarfuel is doing much more than showing recorded webinars but also adding so many cool next levels featured into it. That whoever going to use it going to make a whole bunch of good money.

Let’s talk webinar software Nightmares

let’s take average example fo how webinar does all the average statistics that can webinar brings.

If a business owner spends $3000 on ads and brings 1000 webinar registrations per week may cost 3 bucks per registrant.

That means a 25% show-up rate like 250 people show up to the webinar. consecutive number lets say 10% close rate you may make 25K. Also can double that with email and other follow-ups ( retargeting, SMS, messages, notifications and all other methods.

Webinarfuel review: Did you notice the problem here there is 75% of people did not show up? all business owners struggling with that. How about if you are able to get 99% or even 100% show-up rate. can change the game right?

Also, another problem, what if the small business owners have to do webinars live every week? it makes worse if they are small home-based business owner5s with kids around..Does he or she has that laptop or entrepreneurship lifestyle freedom?

So obviously solution is to do an onetime live webinar and make it automated. but the again problem is the webinar software has in the pst all sucks and very bad, Mean can not do the perfect style webinar that converts best just like a live webinar-style. Most of all those webinar software is like video plays on a web page that not bring that live webinar-style spirit to the webinar participants so they might leave soon. Not only that most time those webinar platforms has many issues..video stopped crashed in the middle of the session.. they do not send reminders on time, and video breaking up, etc etc

So Webinarfuel born – Webinarfuel review

With next level featured add in Webinarfuel here are things

what if the business owners do not have to do live every week

What if achieve 100% show up rate

What if Added advanced modern working follow ups to double your sales

What if webinar widgets able to plug into any funnel software like click funnels or Thrive?

Do you heard a marketer call Anthony Morrison had those above all nightmares and he and his developer team build this next level webinar software

here the Anthony Morrison’s Webinarfuel review – Webinarfuel demo step by step.

So it does not sucks it not like webinar video in a page it is in the app type webinar experience do you know how zoom works just like that when you click the link Webinarfuel app load itself and start to run the live automated webinar on its own.


It is also able to add live chat and live type chats that integrated before making show rate high. You can add a written chat to bring the webinar to live. so its not like zoom download software is loaded on the web but run on its own app as you see on the above image. it just launching inside the software.

Also, Webinarfuel app auto-plays itself when you use a recorded type live web class. other webinar software has that issue even they claim its live webinar you have t pres play now button so it does not bring that life experience to the prospect who wants a live webinar.

so it is always important to have control over your webinar. most webinar software does not have a way to control how you show it up you have to use the webinar software provided links and embeds.. but in Webinarfuel review, we can say they have something call Thank you page widget so it can embed on your actual thank you page that anybody can join the webinar.

Webinarfuel OVERVIEW
That’s the Webinarfuel thank you page widget added on thank you page

It also depends on how the host set it up..there many featured host can set up how webinar run.. their many rules they can set up to make sure the attendance get actual webinar experience.

Thank you page widget itself a great solution. You do not have to stuck with crappy web designed templated that made by people who do not know how important conversation rates.

So with this solution business owners or hosts can add webinar widget into high converting thank you page and able to add other offers or other offer pages with high-end advanced technology that inbuilt in Webinarfuel automated webinar app.

How it look like the dashboard Webinarfuel inside?
Webinarfuel review

Inside the dashboard, you can see how you funnel does, how many people registered,h how many people showed up, how many people bought the offer all the statistics you need to scale up your game.

Not like other webinar software it says join the yesterday replay these guys bring that to next level with adding something call join the session in progress.

So many other timing features like blackout day block. you simply can block off important holidays that if someone tries to register those ads on your automated webinar it will say webinar is not ready or something like that.

So what does that do inside the software you can set up webinar run for a few minutes late if the attendee came a little bit late so they feel that real-life live webinar spirit right?

They also have a platform version for all the webinar registrations. I mean if the business owner runs ads on Facebook, Youtube, or any other social media platform. Webinarfuel platform has inbuilt versions for each platform. Facebook version, Youtube version, and default version for any other ads platform. so what also you can do is split test the results you get from each platform.

source tracking and registration widgets with floating feature to get more webinar registrations. adding source you can track what works without any other 3rd party tracking tool so you save some money there too.

what is this weeby app does

Its a totally separate app from Webinarfuel web software it can use on mobile. you can download weeby app from the android and apple store to your phone and as soon as you want to go to the webinar you can use that mobile app right from where you are.

Webinarfuel CTA feature

Webinarfuel software

When someone wants to join a webinar from your funnel you can add those CTA options like a poll or send a message or direct offer. this feature by itself you can not find on that traditional webinar software unless they build after Webinarfuel review. CTA tool can use for affiliate marketing too. also, it has so many timing options when to show the CTA and how long it shows up, etc etc.

How nortifications and Inrtergations?

Here is the 3rd party integration available at the moment and they are adding more and with Zapier you can add thousands of software if you want

Webinarfuel apps 3rd party

Yes, they have whole advance feature rich notification and integration lets talk about the life cycle of a prospect. so as you see on below image 1st lead come through and that just a lead, not a webinar registration they may come from your lead magnet On Thrive page so then you can set up a quick notification send by Webinarfuel web software an email, mobile message or push notification for those who have weeby app. It may says register for the webinar or any other offer if they are not interested in joining at the moment.

Webinarfuel emails

One cool thing we noticed here is 1st say you have attendee that register for the webinar and not bought because for some reason they did not see the offer… so that two kinds of prospect s that can be your future customers. so if you send a notification to those people and if they do not see the offer webinarfuel-web-software knows it so that solve whole big nightmare you have to go through all the emails and 3rd party tools to find who still interested in your offer.

Segmenting and data base of leads

Webinarfuel data base

so with that feature, you can tag segment and keep a record of all leads you have and with the ingratiation, you can send them where ever you want.


All we can say is its great modern automated webinar software that come with so may extra feature. but as it still in beta, we can not say how many bugs they may have. So if you looking for bugs free webinar software we still highly recommend getting webinar jams by going here.


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