Give me 57 FREE Traffic Sources

traffic sources

Free Traffic from Video Sharing Sites

Uploading multiple review, demo or tutorial videos and then having a Call To Action to drive traffic to your site is a method many successful marketers use.Uploading multiple review, demo or tutorial videos and then having a Call To Action to drive traffic to your site works best.

Some popular Video Sharing sites: …..    comment with best email  below to get 3 other sources…

Free Traffic from Social Media Sites, and Web 2.0 Sites

People spend a lot of time on Social Media sites and it’s easy to find very targeted groups of people.Remember these sites are mainly used for social interaction, so a heavy sales pitch usually doesn’t
work.Sites like HubPages, Blogger and Squidoo are good for creating additional portals to your main site.What’s important here is all of these sites are VERY popular and can be used to send traffic to your
websites. ……..comment with best email below to get 7 other methods

FREE Traffic from Tutorial Sites

These sites are usually geared towards the design and technical niches, but there are still many opportunities in other niches. Sites like these are great places to establish yourself as an expert in your
niche. Very cool Visual Tutorial Site  Leave a comment with best email  to get 3 other vey useful sources.

Guest Blogging and Forum Marketing

Guest Blogging lets you create content on other peoples blogs. Helps establish you as an authority and gives you a link back to your site. Can even help you promote a product or service that you offer.
Use Google and do a search for: [“guest post” your niche]Also do a search at Bing for the exact same thing. Google and Bing use different criteria so you will find many more opportunities using both Search Engines.
Some great places for guest blogging: leave us comments with best email to get 3 other sources,

Forum Marketing is one of the most popular ways to get FREE traffic to your site.Search Google for “forum” or “discussion” in your niche.Try and become an authority by contributing valuable posts and answering questions in the forums in your niche.If you are not an expert, just use Google or Bing to find the right answers.In your signature have a link to your site with a valuable FREE offer or some sort of SECRET

FREE Traffic from Social Bookmarking and Q&A Sites

The key to success with Social Bookmarking sites is to make connections with many other people on those sites. Generally you won’t see floods of traffic from these sites, but the opportunity is there for you to gain some visitors to your content.
Some great Social Bookmarking sites: Comment us and leave your best email to get 3 other gold mines..

Many people swear by using Q&A sites for highly targeted traffic. Find the questions that need answering in your niche and provide them with solutions. One thing that can’t be denied, many of these sites
sites are VERY popular.
Some great Q&A sites:  Leave comments with best email that we can reach with 4 other best resources. 

FREE Traffic from Ebook and Document Sharing Sites

For many years Article Marketing was one of the most widely used free traffic generation methods. In recent times it has fallen out of favor with Google, but there is still plenty of free traffic using it and
other document sharing sites. Many categories PDF’s only comement and leave best email then we can share aonther 12 web resorces on your finger tips that can use for get traffic…

Free Traffic from Press Release Sites

Press Releases are a tried and true method to drive traffic and build strong back links to your site. A
Press Release can be created for just about anything from a new product, the creation of a new site or
even new content on your site.… comment us with best email to get 8 other sources

FREE Traffic from Traffic Exchanges

The traffic from these sites is usually pretty poor, but if you have an offer geared towards affiliates or other marketers they may be worth checking out.I really don’t recommend buying upgrades or spending too much time at these sites, there are better paid traffic options and better uses of your time.… comment us with your best email to get more than 25 traffic and social media exchanges.

Miscellaneous FREE Traffic Sources
If you have a list of targeted subscribers one of the best ways to get FREE traffic is with Ad Swaps. An Ad Swap is when 2 marketers that each have lists do a mailing for the other.These mailings are usually for a FREE offer on a squeeze page. You can learn all about Ad Swaps and find people to swap with at There are many marketers that use and their FREE classifieds to drive traffic to their sites. With their many categories, you should be able to find one for your niche.

Above shared traffic sources and more than 57  sources we going to share with counzila second income hope visitors just leave a comment with your best email to get them to you fingertips to use it and make your online business great!

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