Custom search vip

Custom search vip - Search something vip
Search engineer

What is custom search vip?

Counzila offers custom build search engine using google power to give our searcher to find best relevant macthed information as vip customers of our site. only you need book mark this as a tool in your book mark bar in any browser and go to the site when you want to find something special.

what is the difference find something from google and find search results from Counzila custom search?

that why we made this VIP,,google search engine made it self to give you results from what ever keyword you type.,but custom search engines like give you exact relevant search using ads and free search results you need to save your time, and it is easy to find something using search results ads because advertiser puts ads according to the key word you looking for. Custom search vip will give you those exact results when you need it.

Why not go directly to google?

No if you go to google directly it give you results but some people can block ads and it always give you organic close results you want but vip search engine like Counzila will work with google custom search engine and give them exact result they want withing seconds. Google know it and that why they give their partners to set up custom search engine to bring more search results through them. custom vip searches are more accurate than other results. Google search results are accurate but google made custom search widget s to give more exact results using their advertising frame work to people who looking for information. so it is VIP level search for you.

Benefits of vip search from Counzila?

here are main benefits.

• Get relevant search results.just type words.
• Organic Image thumbnails available on search.
• Locate exact search you want even maps and direction.
• Get you the best results on seconds.
• if you want information like News,entertainment,landing page service,YouTube,Facebook just tap on icon on search page

• Type and search for near restaurants, Travel destination,local gas bar, groceries and much more. Faster and easier to find right places to love and deals you won’t want to miss.
• Go into “Coupon Deals” to browse offers, discounts, and low-priced coupons at retailers near you using Groupon green icon.
• easy to find or Discover great movies to watch, type new movies ,read reviews (type digital altitude) and Enter to search.
do you want to hand out with family and friends? then  find custom vip search for anything you want like movie places,ticket masters, art galleries,music events,consets etc?
• Search it.go to groupon or Ebay Compare prices or find best match for you it. Buy it if you like just from there right away.You will see Ebay reviews or product reviews done by real people at eBay just tap or click groupon or eBay icons and compare prices from our selected major retailer eBay.( Not only that but also you can search for major retailers like Amazon, WalMart, Home Depot, Target)
tap to buy it online from the icon you eBay or groupon.
save you both time and money.

Looking for job?  just type LinkedIn or indeed Job Search gives you all  information you looking for easily. find your job you love from search
accurately find job career opportunities wherever you want search Vip for work from home opportunities,groups, second income, entrepreneurship
get relevant results based on your  words you type on job searches or anything you look for.
Apply to jobs at companies on search you find if it good fit for you, in just a few taps.
• one place, simply search  based on title, location, or keywords.
• Filter your job searches by companies you would like to work for, job posting date, and job search relevancy
• see relevant ads from recommended sources refine it from organic results to see more opprotuties.make customized own search results by functions you duties ect, any industry, and job positions etc
• Recommended results see  right way on the top. see relevant banners on top if you search before anything before.
• See our business connection details and legal information at the end







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