Top 6 Psychological Power Triggers you

Top 6 Psychological Power Triggers you by counzila

Psychological Power Triggers Make people to Take Action.

If you Have a good product it should sell by it own..But  it not reality in the real world  if then companies would do advertising and put money on marketing budgets.
Top 6 Psychological Power Triggers you by counzila

Here what you have to consider   People don’t buy stuff with logic they always by with a emotion..

How our brain works is very complex though, It understands fear, hunger, lust, threat, desire, survival, curiosity, etc… much better than “why something makes sense.”  to make decision for each they  have to feel it.So, emotion alone is not enough. We still need to  push our emotional decision with some logical reasoning.

Bottom-line  you need to find both and meet people most will say YES to what you offer!!!

Let Talk about those top 6 Psychological Power Triggers

1.want to see PROOF

2.FEAR to get involved

3.They need a reason WHY

4.All come with CURISITY

5.Want some AUTHORITY


If you can consistently apply these six triggers into your life,business and marketing, everything you say will carry much more weight and make you more influential with your audience.

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